Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Methane

Why reduce methane emissions?
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that increases global temperatures
Governments worldwide are determined to reduce agricultural methane emissions as part of their commitment to Net Zero, that is, halting global warming at a tolerable level.
The suggested methods of reducing greenhouse gas emission from farms include imposing methane taxes, destocking or enforced changes in farming practises or crops.
These will add considerable cost or even farm abandonment to already stressed farmers.
By reducing methane emissions using our products we can help greatly to avoid these possibly devastating government measures.
Sustainable Agriculture
Agricultural Sciences Ltd. is an environmentally conscious company, our products are designed to reduce the amount of methane released to the atmosphere from the farm operations. Trust us to partner with you in building a sustainable future in agriculture.
Our active agents are natural products found in the body of animals. What is different about our products is that they are active in the rumen or the rest of the gut.
They are administered by oral drenching using water as the solvent, or added to normal feed in very small amounts, or added to drinking water. Farmers are free to select the method of use that best suits their normal practise.
The amount of product needed per animal is very little and we have never observed any animal refusing the dosed food or suffering any ill effects.